
Sourced from Drew DeVault's gemini capsule (which has since been removed). This is an attempt to archive this content on the web.

NOTE: Only relative links to static assets with extensions (jpg, webm, png) have been converted to download URLs. The rest are left as-is. If you see a link pointing to this same hostname in the content, they will return 404.

Page source

Gemreader is a FOSS Gemini service which provides a hosted feed reading experience for Geminispace. I've made an instance available to the public here, where you can try it out:


A client certificate is required.

Gemreader supports fetching feeds both from Gemini and from the web (via the Gemini subscription specification, RSS, or Atom). Feeds fetched from the web are converted from HTML to Gemtext automatically for comfortable reading.

The source code is here:

Gemreader on Sourcehut


Content captured with git commit from 2023-06-12.

All posts · CC-BY-SA