RE Is this aggregator idea good

Sourced from Drew DeVault's gemini capsule (which has since been removed). This is an attempt to archive this content on the web.

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ew0k is a Teddybear - Is This Aggregator Idea Good?

CAPCOM is open source:


and, in any case, trivially implemented from scratch. I was thinking it would be cool to encourage people to start hosting CAPCOM on their own capsules as well, with a curated list of what feeds interest them. We could start adding CAPCOM links to our capsule's index pages to make it easier to move around in such a system.

Pros: requires very little effort or bespoke software development

Cons: requires very little effort or bespoke software development :^)

And an aside: I generally dislike this approach of using our gemlogs to have discussions via "RE: post title" and such-with. Isn't this better suited to the mailing list?

Content captured with git commit from 2023-06-12.

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